Wednesday, March 19, 2025

WOYWW #824

 Good morning, crafty friends.

I need to catch up on my 100 day project. I've been making the tags just not posting. Bob will only be gone another three or four days and I'm trying to make headway in the studio.

First, my desk:

What I'm trying to get done while Bob is gone requires sorting stuff on the dining room table. I'm trying to get all of my bling organized as well as rearranging my fiber drawers to make room for all the Stampin' Up! ribbon I had to keep handy when I was a demonstrator. Since that isn't necessary, I'm working on blending those ribbons in with the other two drawers - making three drawers, actually. That craft box on the far left holds the lace trims I've been carding to but in the smaller box you see on the far left. That will open up a larger third drawer for ribbon. Isn't it always a process?  The papers in front are the printouts for my rough draft challenge coming up in April. I'm hoping to finish the draft of Book 2. I've not worked on the book since last July. Its time has come. I feel ready to finally finish the story and get back into a writing routine.

The boxes in the top left are full of ribbon to be carded as well as rolls of bling. I'm going to leave those on their rolls and give them their own box section.

Here's the flat bling I've been working on. This project is finished as you'll see in the final picture.

Pile of bling ready to be sorted in to categories


All filed by category

I'd always had the bling in 5x7 card bags standing up like this but not in any order, which meant flipping through all of them to find what I wanted. I moved them to pockets cut from 4x6 brag books lined with a piece of poster board for stability cut to 3-7/8" by 5-7/8" then make file tabs an inch taller than the pockets and labeled everything. Before I had them in a phot box. This box was originally a sardine tin case box so takes up about one-third less space than the photo box. I'll be able to find the right bling for a project much faster.

That's it for my desk (and story) this week. Who's Miss Sarah and why am I here?  When you are done visiting me in the Ozarks, please hop on over to Sarah’sCraft Shed for all the details. Miss Sarah has a long list of other studios you can peek into. No standing on an up-turned milk pail to look in the window. We open the doors wide and welcome you.  Please leave your number and you'll be among the first on my list.

Creative Blessings!

~ Kelly

Monday, March 17, 2025


 Hey Crafty friends.

Playing a little catch up here. We had tornados blow through our area on Friday night. Bob left Thursday morning so I napped a lot on Thursday. Friday I spent the day prepping for the tornados and catching up on my tags.  I'll be back with MAKE IT MAIL IT Monday next week. In the mean time, here are the last tags of the Winter theme:

Day 17:

Day 18:

Day 19:

Day 20:

I've not chosen the next category yet. I'll pull that tag later today.

Creative Blessings!
~ Kelly

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

WOYWW #823

 Good morning, crafty friends!

Quick post before I take off for a ME day. I try to do them once a week where I walk away from everything and do what I want to just relax. Sometimes I throw in paying a bill because it's practical while I'm out. 

Here's my desk as I left it last night:

I had just finished filming a video on Goal Setting for my author channel.

If you've not seen any of my tags (today's will be put in tomorrow's post), they are posted daily on my YouTube channel community tag and on my IG. I'd love to have you follow me on IG.. I am KellysCreativeDreams.

That's it for my desk (and story) this week. Who's Miss Sarah and why am I here?  When you are done visiting me in the Ozarks, please hop on over to Sarah’sCraft Shed for all the details. Miss Sarah has a long list of other studios you can peek into. No standing on an up-turned milk pail to look in the window. We open the doors wide and welcome you.  Please leave your number and you'll be among the first on my list.

Creative Blessings!

~ Kelly

Monday, March 10, 2025


Happy Monday, everyone!

Instead of using a Card Chicks card kit this morning, I went with a card kit I had clipped together and just laying on the shelf. I'm not sure where the image is from but I used a Cherry Cobbler card base then added Shimmering Crystal Effects for dew drops and a bit of shimmer.

Day 16. Wow! I've never made the 100 day project past day 3. LOL There is hope.

Today's tag is another team effort. I love that he helps.

DAY 16: 

Remember, if you’re playing, I’d love to see your creations. Share on social media and tag me.

Youtube community tab

Instagram channel

Facebook Group

Cara Brandon andFriends Facebook Group

Here’s my VIDEO LINK talking about what I’m going to do and showing some of the products.

Creative Blessings!

~ Kelly

Sunday, March 9, 2025


 Good afternoon, crafty friends.

Lazy Sunday. We were gone all day yesterday shopping, getting our taxes done and eating at our favorite buffet, Sirloin Stockade. 

In return, Bob helped me plan out the tag for today. He blindly pulled a sketch from the file then helped figure out the papers from the collection I'd chosen. He really does have a good eye.

DAY 15:

Remember, if you’re playing, I’d love to see your creations. Share on social media and tag me.

Youtube community tab

Instagram channel

Facebook Group

Cara Brandon andFriends Facebook Group

Here’s my VIDEO LINK talking about what I’m going to do and showing some of the products.

Creative Blessings!

~ Kelly

Saturday, March 8, 2025


 Good morning, crafty friends!

I got so caught up in a project yesterday that took  much longer than I anticipated and I'm still not done. Does that happen to you?

So here is Day 13:

The papers are more black/ gray than they show in the picture. Even the tree. So I added a pop of color with the word snow from a strip of ribbon that had some light blue. I brought the blue in with the snowflake (which shows up better in person) and in the bling.

DAY 14:

I took a liberty with this tag by adding a scalloped mat behind the main image. I thought this add a bit more dimension as well as a bit of femininity. The trees were fussy cut from the same paper line.

Remember, if you’re playing, I’d love to see your creations. Share on social media and tag me.

Youtube community tab

Instagram channel

Facebook Group

Cara Brandon andFriends Facebook Group

Here’s my VIDEO LINK talking about what I’m going to do and showing some of the products.

 Creative Blessings!

~ Kelly

Thursday, March 6, 2025


 Good morning craft friends.

Beautiful sunshine for photos this morning so I did today's tag really quick so as not to miss the light. 

With this second set of ten tags, I'm in a winter/ snow theme. You know, since winter seems to want to make frequent appearances. 

NOTE: Most of my items are RETIRED Stampin' Up! I have plenty to use. LOL I know all the DSP from them is retired.

Today's tag:

I chose Snowflake Splendor for today's tag. I knew the medium and large snowflakes in the paper were perfect for the circle element and the pull tab. I did add a skim of Night of Navy cardstock to break up the two middle layers.
Remember, if you’re playing, I’d love to see your creations. Share on social media and tag me.

Youtube community tab

Instagram channel

Facebook Group

Cara Brandon andFriends Facebook Group

Here’s my VIDEO LINK talking about what I’m going to do and showing some of the products.

Creative Blessings!

~ Kelly