Wednesday, March 30, 2022

WOYWW 669 - Catching up - A bit long!

 Hello, friends!

Just when I think I'm back on track, something knocks me backwards or completely over.

The last week in February, going in to March, Bob and I both got hit with serious stomach flu that took both of us seven full days from when it began to having energy to do anything again. Bob even took a couple extra days off work while I recuperated as I was about two days behind him.  He left on Thursday and I had a full week to try and get back on track before we got 2.5" of snow the following Thursday. By Saturday, most of it was gone and I needed a town run. I managed to slip on 1/4" dusting of snow, onto my back, cracking two ribs and knotting up the muscles. Almost three weeks later and I'm still in recovery mode. I'm not lifting much weight nor bending over to certain points. Bob came home last Wednesday and has been doing most of the heavy stuff. 

I've gone from pain the first week to gradual soreness. Some days more sore than others based on what I attempted to do the previous day. LOL

Okay, that's my catch-up and probably more than you wanted to know. So here's what Bob and I did on Monday...

Filming/ crafting table

Over the past couple of months I've made the decision to stay in as a Stampin' Up! demonstrator at least through June. They have a compliance policy that prevents  me from promoting any other products so no more linking to my favorite on-line store - Spectrum Art Creations - or other companies I might buy from and use in projects. No affiliate links, means I've had to drop the Dear Julie Julie design team - nor can I apply for the Spectrum Art Creations or Graphic 45 design teams - UNTIL I'm done being a Stampin' Up! demonstrator. In my opinion, I don't think the 'compliance' rule should apply to those only wanting to be a hobby demonstrator. I wasn't interested in building a business... I just wanted catalogs when they became available as well as knowing when specials rolled out. 

Why am I staying? Because I have 1 downline. Neither of us were ever trained. Unlike me, Rhonda wants to do this as a business so I'm training her. When she's ready to fly solo, I will give up my SU demonstrator status and go back to playing with ALL of my toys.

With that decision, I've moved almost all of my non-Stampin' Up! items out of the way and set this station up strictly for Stampin' Up! supplies - easily in reach for when I'm crafting and doing videos. All of the current ribbons, embellishments, adhesives, tools are in (2) 3-compartment trays along the back of the table.

To keep Tabitha (tabby cat) happy, I've made space for her to get into the window sill without knocking everything over.

I did wind up moving items to the left of the embelishment books (standing up) between them and where you see the scissors. She'd walk up over the magazines but then couldn't get turned around to come back out. LOL What we don't do for our animals!

That's it for my desk (and story) this week. Who's Miss Julia and why am I here?  When you are done visiting me in the Ozarks, please hop on over to Stamping Ground for all the details. Miss Julia has a long list of other studios you can peek into. No standing on an up-turned milk pail to look in the window. We open the doors wide and welcome you.  Please leave your number and you'll be among the first on my list.

 Creative Blessings!

~ Kelly


  1. Oh Kelly, poor you and Bob, you have been through the wars especially cracking your ribs, that really hurts. Slowly does it with the recovery, don’t go waterskiing or anything remotely exciting for a while yet! Sorting out your stash and workspace seems a good idea therefore. Hope you feel better very soon.
    Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

  2. Oh you poor thing - that sounds awful. Ribs and back knotting are truly painful. Take care and do things gently until you properly heal. Happy WOYWW. Take care, with love & God bless, Caro xxx (#12)

  3. Hi Kelly. Oucch!!! What a month you have had. I do trust you will soon be up and running again. If running's your thing... I would make a truly useless demonstrator if following the principles laid down... I use what I use, like what I like, and have the greatest fun mixing and matching, and buying from all sorts of places. Oh dear - what a failure I would be!
    You take care of yourself, taking life steady. God bless.
    Margaret #5

  4. Oh dear, take things easy till you back to normal. I don’t think they can do much for cracked ribs except rest. That compliance policy seems a bit tough. Sending gentle hugs and get better soon wishes. Angela #4

  5. SO sorry to hear that Bob and you have been suffering Kelly - hope the soreness goes away completely soon. I bet you will be glad to be free of the SU compliance rules when you finish. Good to see you back. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  6. oh, Kelly, what a lot to go through! I hope the pain goes soon and nothing else comes along! the SU rules seem very heavy handed to me too. Good luck. Helen #3

  7. Oh Kelly, you poor dear lady all that sounds awful and I really hope you are back to normal soon. As for Stampin' Up they sound rather strict. Take care and wishing you a happy woyww. Hugs, Angela x13x

  8. I agree with you about the compliance thing. I think you can be on several DTs and keep things separate...
    Sorry to hear about the calamities - hope you will be feeling better soon.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #11

  9. So sorry to read of the time you've been having Kelly 🤗🙏 sending gentle get well wishes your way and hope Bob is feeling much better too.Here's tooo June and being able to create with joy and abandon 😘 Be safe, take care of yourself love and hugs Tracy #14 xxx

  10. Hi Kelly, thanks for the lovely comment over at mine. I have lots of information about the Masterboards I've made in the Pages section on my blog and specifically instructions for making the Retiform one can be found here:
    Hope that helps. Hugs, Angela xXx

  11. oho-er a clean work top and sooooo tidy!! It.s a shame about Stamping Up thing but I can see why. I got asked years and years ago... but I said no, I'd be rubbish! Happy late last weeks woyww! ((Lyn))#21 see you later!
