Wednesday, February 7, 2024

WOYWW #766

 Good afternoon, crafty friends!

I'm way late coming in. I spent my morning at the dining room table with Bob playing cards and Yahtzee.

There really isn't much to tell on my desk but I did have to clear everything off after I took the picture so I could film my premiere video for Friday (2-9-24)

The pouch with the scissors inside holds scissors/ adhesives when I'm working anyplace other than the filming table on projects. Technically, I've not unpacked it since last month when I went on a self-imposed planner retreat.

The 3 pretty red pieces in the center are part of a candle pedestal I need to glue back together before packing away the hot cocoa bar. I'll try to remember to take a picture of that before I pack everything away. 

The item in the package is a face roller from $ Tree. I show one out of the package in my premiere video on Friday. and lastly, I FINALLY broke down and bought one of the finger xacto knives. Even found one in teal. 

If you'd like to have the opportunity to chat live or see what I got in a Spectrum Art Creations haul this week, I will be in a chat room alongside my YouTube video on Friday 9, 2024 at 11:30 a.m. EST. I think that time allows for at least some of my friends across the pond and in Canada to join in. Set your timer and come chat. I'm only there for a little over 15 minutes so don't be late! Otherwise, the video will always be available on replay. 

That's it for my desk (and story) this week. Who's Miss Julia and why am I here?  When you are done visiting me in the Ozarks, please hop on over to Stamping Ground for all the details. Miss Julia has a long list of other studios you can peek into. No standing on an up-turned milk pail to look in the window. We open the doors wide and welcome you.  Please leave your number and you'll be among the first on my list.

 Creative Blessings!

~ Kelly 


  1. I just refreshed Julia's blog tomake sure I'd got all the desks...! Happy WOYWW Helen #3

  2. Well if you're late, I'm later! Love the idea of you and Bob playing Yahtzee all morning.....but who's winning?! Get you finding the teal finger cutter, what a nice colour! 430 GMT on Friday..I'm going to be away with The Coven for the weekend and suspect that we'll have just about arrived by then, but if the Wi-Fi works, I'll have my phone alarm set! Xx

  3. I am super late with my comments but I made it to the end! I will be sure to check out your YouTube Video!
    Chana Malkah, WOYWW #8

  4. We love Yahtzee in our house too and often have games on the kitchen table - cards too, we are fans of Cribbage but I don’t know if that’s a UK game. Well done on the sorting, finding of new finger knives and the upcoming video!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  5. Glad I popped back over this morning Kelly. Hope the video goes well! Happy WOYWW sarah #2

  6. Sorry I am late Kelly. I hope your video went well. Angela #12

  7. Enjoyed your video! Lots of enabling going on! :D)

  8. Hi Kelly nearly missed you! I must pop over and have a look at your videos. I have one of the Xacto knives but just haven't really enjoyed using it but maybe should give it another go. Have agreat week. Hugs Angela x9x
