Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Sorry I've been sidetracked this week. I'll add a picture to this post later to show you why.

When the rain finally stopped, Bob and I set to work on remodeling the living room - 4 days before company was to arrive! He put the last board in place around 8:30 p.m. est on Wednesday night. We were tired and headed for bed. Thursday morning we began the process of filling the shelves, moving the furniture back into the living room and getting the house ready for company - that arrived 2 hours earlier than I'd anticipated! LOL The house was nothing like I would have liked for them to see it the first time but they were good sports and had a good visit anyway.

Aside from this I got tired of fighting the Dial-Up internet and am now a Hughes Net customer. So far the connection has been AWESOME! I added a wireless router from NetGear so I can take the laptop just about anywhere within the immediate house/ yard area I want to travel. It certainly makes uploading cards and pics much faster!

So it's been a week of transitions and digging out around here. If you've ever done a remodel - or moved from one place to another - you know what my life has been like the past week.

I will have some cards and ATCs to show you over the coming days. For now, laundry must come in off the line and be tended to.

Creative Blessings

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