Wednesday, November 14, 2018

WOYWW - #493

Good morning, deskers!
Since my sister began radiation treatments, I don't get here as early as I'd like. I spend a couple hours with her in a chat room before she has to make the long drive to treatment. She is doing very well but we do enjoy our time together in the mornings. We chat about my book plot, our gardens, the birds, holiday plans, and find stuff for each other on Pinterest. We enable each other extremely well :-D

Today's desk may look a bit piled but in reality, there are only 2 projects there I'm focusing on The chip wood basket on the far left will fit beautifully on the tray of my husband's oak high chair... yes, the one he had as a baby. The chair sits in kitchen/ laundry room arch way. I want to put a display there during the holidays so it doesn't become a catch-all for everything else. 

I wanted to do 2 arrangements - one for Halloween and one for Fall that I could just switch out and interchange in the basket. Sadly, with everything else going on the end of September into October, they never got done. This week, my plan is to declutter some of the Halloween/ Fall decor and I need to know how these items will pack away... and they'll be ready for next year. So those two arrangements are top on my list for today.

You know... as I wait for Bob to come home. LOL He should roll in here around four this afternoon after having been on the boat for over 28 days. Needless to say, not a lot will get done around here the next day or two. Go figure. But maybe the minimal time I will have while he's running errands or catching the last 4 days of hunting season will encourage me to make the most of the time and get words written on Book 2. The scenes are in my head... just can't seem to get them to flow through my fingertips to the keyboard.

That's it for my desk this week. Who's Miss Julia and why am I here?  When you are done visiting me in the Ozarks, please hop on over to Stamping Ground  for all the details. Miss Julia has a long list of other studios you can peek into. No standing on an up-turned milk pail to look in the window. We open the doors wide and welcome you.  Please leave your number and you'll be among the first on my list. 

Creative Blessings!


  1. This time with your sister is way more important than anything else huh? Sounds like you have a grand time talking together - the bit about enabling each other made me crack up! Good luck with all the sorting out and rearranging, it'll feel great when it's done. I think it's lovely that you still have your hubby's high chair :-D
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  2. Time with your sister is so much more time well spent right now - blogging can wait. Sounds like you're keeping yourself busy anyway with those two projects you've lined up. And isn't your hubby lucky to still have his baby highchair!! Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #23

  3. Time spent with a sister is never misspent Kelly. I don't have time to visit until after work anyway so there is no need to rush. Good luck getting all those projects finished before hubby gets home. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  4. Treasure the time with your sister, she is much more important than us, however it is good to see you!! I am sure you'll get the projects done..eventually! Helen #1

  5. Hi Kelly. Hope the treatment is going well for your sister - glad you are able to spend precious time with her before she heads off each time. Trusting the words come out through the end of your fingers onto the keyboard!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  6. Hi Kelly, sisters are so precious, every minute counts. I hope your sister's treatment is going well. Wow, I'm amazed you still have your husband's high chair. Good luck on Book 2 and packing away the fall decorations. Thanks for stopping by earlier. I'm curious as to how you are changing the way you craft next year. I woukd lovd to receive your Apple butter recipe, so I'll send you my email addy. Have a lovely week Heather x #13

  7. Hi Kelly, hope you're sister's treatment goes well. Family must always come first. Have a great woyww, Angela x16x

  8. Hi Kelly, thats tough for your sister, I've had radiotherapy twice, so know how much it can wipe you out. Great to hear how you can keep up with each other via cyber space! Sending hugs to you both, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #9 X

  9. I think we all understand that PEOPLE come before desks.. My mum had chemo a few years ago and it was/is so important to have friends and family around for support - I focussed on her totally. I hope your sister will roll through the radiotherapy without too much trouble and get healthy. Thanks for stopping by my blog - I visited up to the first 20 on the list and plan to visit everyone else who comments at my blog, so here I am reading your post, waving to you from 'foggy' Holland and wishing you a wonderful weekend with the hubby! Marit #20

  10. Mm sisters need all the support we can give, I’m very blessed in mine and sounds like you both are also, pray her treatment is effective and soon over with minimal side effects, Kelly.
    So think I need one of those basket over the dining table it really is a dumping ground!,
    Happy belated WOYWW #7 Shaz.x
