Good morning, crafty friends!
I have enjoyed sharing makes inspired by the products of today's guest! I hope you'll take time to check out all of her links at the bottom of this post.
Tracy Easson
I first met Tracy as part of our What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday group... aka WOYWW
I find her to be pleasant, inspiring and a beautiful person inside and out.
Let's find out a bit more about Tracy:
I`m a self-taught artist,
dreamer of dreams and believer of magic, who loves nothing more than bringing
to life the whispers that drop out the end of my pencil or paintbrush, telling
a story along the way.
My own brand of stamps "Just
a girl and her Imagination" was born after the loss of my much-loved dad
in June 2018.
At that time, I never
thought I would pick up a pencil or a paintbrush again, BUT my dad who believed
in me was having none of that and started sending me messages that came through
loud and clear.
Out came the paper and
pencils early one morning whilst I was at my mum's, were little characters
started dropping out my pencil one after another, in 2019 my first stamp
collection was born under my own brand.
Each one has a story to
tell with words straight from my heart … to connect, to uplift, to inspire and to
bring hope through creating and gifting.
Amongst my stamp
collections you will find … my whimsical wee Clan of mice along with Whimsical girls,
rainbows, miracles and hope … with lots of words to stamp, telling your own
story along the way.
You`ll also see me creating
soulful merchandise using my artwork from notebooks, calendars to mugs and
totes along with my Soul Whispers Hand-painted Ceramics.
I also take on private commissions
from time to time, creating original artwork … something that brings such joy
to my heart and soul ... to have the trust to bring what they want to be is
something I will be forever grateful for … to hear their joy on seeing what I`ve
created … it`s the best feeling in the world!

1 – What got you started on the
creative path?
From my earliest memory, sat on
the floor in my Gran and Di`s living room playing with matchboxes and watching
my Gran create necklaces from melon seeds was the start of my creative path. I
was always happiest when I was creating, imagining something bringing it to be
through my heart and hands.
2 – How has your creativity
As the years have passed I`ve found
me, my own voice, my own style getting braver, trusting I am enough just the
way I am sprinkled with whimsy, always listening to the whispers from within,
no longer afraid to share who I am through my art.
3 – What do you enjoy most
about your creative path?
I get when I know I`m on the right path, when everything just clicks and flows,
when I`m being TRUE to who I am, when I`m up into the wee hours painting, listening
to my music, feeling my dad so close in that time … when I`m finished and I see
what I`ve created … not quite believing that it was me that created it … an overwhelming
sense of such pure JOY, such PEACE and LOVE
surround me … then I bound upstairs to waken up Alex { my husband } to share my
JOY in what I`ve created … bless him, no matter the time, he reaches for his
glasses to look and to listen to my excitement!
4 – What inspires you?
My Dad is my biggest inspiration …
the world all around me … from the glorious sky above and the earth below … my
happy music as I call it ... the awakening of my soul, the whispers that I hear
that get louder and louder until I let them out through my pencil and brushes.
5 – When did you move from
hobby to business and what initiated the transition?
The passing of my dad was and is
behind the decision, we had a conversation the week before he went in for his
operation … I was worried about my job, one of the things dad said was
"What are you worried about, when one
door closes another opens … you have a gift, you
can do anything, believe in yourself".
The year following my dad's
passing I was gifted so many signs from my dad, I was left with no doubts what
I had to do … so with my BRAVE girl pants pulled right up I started on my new
path, one step at a time … going forward in life, doing what I was born to do …
create, uplift and inspire through my art.
6 – What do you love most about
your space, and would you change anything?
I`ve went from working out in my
shed in the garden, to upstairs in a room … to today … a desk in our living
room right in front of a big window … I love it, it`s a space where I don`t feel
cut out from the bustle of family, a spot where I can see the sky above and
watch the clouds chasing, changing shape … a place to watch the birds come to
feed and dance in the bird bath … to Mr and Mrs Squirrel who come and watch me
from the shed roof … I`m sure they think I`m crazy as I wave hello!
Would I change anything … at some
point I`m sure I`m going to be back out in a garden room as I want to
incorporate ceramics into my work, not something you want to do in your living
room plus I can beeee messy … but for now I`m right where I want to be.
7 – What 3 things do you feel
are important when planning a space?
As my workspace is in our living
room, I like it to be kept relatively tidy so lots of storage is a must as I
don`t want everything on show {have I mentioned I can be messy}
Lots of natural light for me …
when I worked upstairs or out in my shed the light was never very good … having
my desk in front of a huge window is my idea of bliss!
Little baskets or bowls to hold
little treasures, it`s good to look back on the days when inspiration has taken
a holiday
8 – What is your best
organization tip?
When you`re lost in the process of
creating it`s a good idea to have what you`re going to use to hand from the
start… nothing worse than having to stop to go hunt something out.
9 – What is your best tip for
anyone wanting to turn their craft into a business?
If you wait until you think you`re
ready … you`ll never be ready … there will always be something that you think
you have to do first!
I started with 5 stamp sets under
my own brand, I was asked to go on Hochanda TV … I didn`t think I was ready …
who goes on with only 5 sets … me, I did knowing my Dad was working his magic
from next door all I had to do was trust and believe!
Believe, trust, have faith and be
brave would be my advice and go for it … we only get gifted one chance at life,
if you have an feeling, an urge inside you, a whisper from within then take a
chance … you might be surprised where you end up!
Thank you, Tracy, for being here and showing your passion and tips with us. Creative Blessings, my friend!
Remember to check back here tomorrow for my final creative video featuring Tracy Easson Illustrations stamps!
To check out Tracy's art and purchase your own items, click on any of the links below:
Creative Blessings!
~ Kelly