Wednesday, May 22, 2024

WOYWW #781 - A New Era - In A New Home

 Good morning, sweet crafting friends!

Before I go any further, I want to thank Miss Julia for 780 weeks of an amazing blog hop. I don't think there's ever been a hop of any kind that has run for 15 Years!

As she steps down, she has passed the baton into the very capable hands of Sarah at Sarah's Craft Shed

WOYWW was established in 2009. My first post (though the #1 in the title is incorrect - I think because it was my first week) was on May 18, 2011... You can see that post HERE. I've learned a lot about blogging since then... and still have more to learn. 

Back then, I was still in the basement room - all 10x10 that wouldn't begin to hold what I've accumulated since. All of my books and collections were still in boxes from the move and only the craft supplied I said had to be contained in the entertainment center or they couldn't stay and my writing supplies were out in view.  That's now Bob's man cave and he has it pretty full.  LOL


I did a bit of crafting over the weekend finishing my ATCs. I have several left if anyone is interested. They presently are turned backwards in the water cup of the crafting mat. The card in the back is from my Make It Mail It Monday post HERE. Part of my decluttering is to work through leftover Card Chick kits going back several years. Each Monday I pull out an envelope and see what I can create. 

Someone asked a couple of weeks ago about the squares along the back of the mat. They are for dropping colors of inks or paints into then there are two larger rectangles for mixing colors. I don't think the cup itself is very practical if you want to pick up the mat and take it to the sink for cleaning or disposing of the water so I use it to hold a small cup. Keeps the cup from getting tipped over and I can take the cup to the sink to empty. The mat also wipes down nicely with a bit of hand sanitizer and a cloth... even cleans up paint - and trust me, by the time I finished with the ATCs there was plenty of Metallic Glimmer Mist from Cosmic Shimmer to be wiped up! LOL

That's it for my desk this week. Today, I'm FINALLY getting to dig into the office clutter. I'm so happy! Maybe I can show progress and inspiration next week.

That's it for my desk (and story) this week. Who's Miss Sarah and why am I here?  When you are done visiting me in the Ozarks, please hop on over to
Sarah’s Craft Shed for all the details. Miss Sarah has a long list of other studios you can peek into. No standing on an up-turned milk pail to look in the window. We open the doors wide and welcome you.  Please leave your number and you'll be among the first on my list. 

Creative Blessings!


  1. So glad that you found your way here Kelly and that have more space to craft in these days. That paint mixer tray looks really useful. Thanks for linking up at the new home of WOYWW. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

  2. Hi Kelly , I'm late getting round today as I got the message this morning that my mum died early this morning but it's a relief for her as she's not been doing too well for some time, she was 95. We've all come a long way since 2009. Your desk looks tidy today and ready for the next project to start. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x13x

  3. Hi Kelly, I could do with a bigger room🙃. I am trying my best to use up stuff. I gathered to a big boxful for a charity group, but they never cane to collect it, despite reminders and so It got squeezed back in!! Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

  4. Interesting to see your first post in 2011. I didn't join WOYWW until 2020 but I started blogging in 2013 and certainly my blogging and crafting has changed over the years... Happy WOYWW! Susan #10

  5. That's some pretty nifty craft mat with all those extra bits. With the carpal Tunnel I got my right hand done a couple of years ago and its still not recovered fully, masked by the arthritis no doubt but also some strange problem post-op with my wrist. The left had been dormant until February this year after a long drive (and only an hour each way) to my mate's wedding. Not having medical insurance since hubby retired and also reluctant to go through the trauma again just yet I'm going to try the steroid injection first and then get on the NHS waiting list. Thanks for the info though, always good to hear about stuff. Hugs BJ#3

  6. How fabulous to have been here since the very beginning. I must check when i first joined - maybe our paths crossed in the old days. it was all down to Jo Pritchard that i ended up being a WOYWW'er. Sadly Jo passed last year but being the same age along with another friend we were known when we were 66n as the "clickety clickers".
    Lovely to see your desk has exoanded since the early days.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx
