Monday, June 3, 2024


 Good morning, crafty friends!

I'm still busting out the Card Chicks tub. Over he weekend I found the final kit that I'd sent. the packet wasn't in the tub so I figured rather than add the kit to the rest, I'd just make the cards.

I think some of the papers came from coordinating papers from the SAB catalog. I did include a piece of Crushed Cucumber cardstock I'd embossed with a Leaves & Branches EB folder from Sizzix.

Since I knew this was going to  by my last kit, I did several Stampin' Up! orders ahead of time to collect A FRIENDLY HELLO from the Sale A Bration catalog. We had one other SU dem in the group and she had one. Everyone else got a full stamp set to work with.

I used one Petal Pink card bas and one Crushed Cucumber. The mats were cut from dies as part of the Free As A Bird set.

I hope you enjoyed these. I'll be back tomorrow with either a #TagTuesday or a #TryItTuesday. I've not looked at my planner yet this morning. 

Creative Blessings!
~ Kelly

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