Wednesday, February 14, 2024

WOYWW #767

Good morning, crafty friends!

Happy Valentine's Day! 

We have sunshine this morning, the snow from Monday is nearly gone and Bob is home for this special day. I am making him butter brickle brownies in a heart pan later this morning and he is taking me out for all you can eat crab legs! He knows my passion lol

Here's my desk this morning:

I took a course a couple of weeks ago called 'Your Path Forward'. The concept is built on a game board strategy of choosing one project you want to accomplish, then breaking the big picture down into small steps that create a 'domino effect' - meaning you can't do this step until you do this step.... and so on. What steps need to be taken to get from Point A - The Beginning to Point B - The Finish? 

I created a game board on an 11 x 14 canvas using the game board from the workbook as a template. The inspirational sayings in each square are from the Tim Holtz set - Noteworthy. I simply typed them into my word program, sized to fit inside the game board squares then printed on clear sticker paper. 

I've put the steps I need (one for each square on the board) onto sticky notes and have them on my KanBan board. The game board is a colorful visual for my desk.

I'm uploading a video for this now and will be on my AUTHOR YouTube channel about noon CST US. 

If you have a project you can't seem to start, I highly recommend this course. You can use the concept over and over again so it isn't just a one and done kind of course. 

That's it for my desk (and story) this week. Who's Miss Julia and why am I here?  When you are done visiting me in the Ozarks, please hop on over to Stamping Ground for all the details. Miss Julia has a long list of other studios you can peek into. No standing on an up-turned milk pail to look in the window. We open the doors wide and welcome you.  Please leave your number and you'll be among the first on my list.

 Creative Blessings!

~ Kelly



  1. Great game card. I am not very good at following an order. I am more likely to interrupt the plan by doing something else! Joking aside it is a good idea to break a task into smaller stages and certainly less daunting.
    Happy WOYWW. Angela #6

  2. Ah Tim Holtz often plays a part in the creative process, cool game card. Hugs BJ#5

  3. Neat game card! I often fall off the path though, and forge a new one! Have a wonderful week, Happy ❤️ Day! Lindart #19

  4. very inventive. Happy WOYWW I hope you've enjoyed your valentines day treats together. Helen #4

  5. What an interesting concept! I might give this a try! I am easily distracted, so i don't know! Nice game board!
    Chana Malkah, WOYWW #9

  6. That's such a great idea Kelly. Hope you had a great Valentine's Day with Bob. Stay safe and Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #16
