Wednesday, July 5, 2023

WOYWW #735 - ATCs have arrived!

 Good morning, everyone!

Whew! It's been a busy couple of weeks with Bob home. Not used to him being gone, then home, only 2 weeks. He was supposed to leave this morning then got a schedule change last minute yesterday... so he's home for another week. I think his retirement is getting closer. 

I'm not showing my desk this week because the surface has been recently cleared for a full day of crafting/ video production. However, I'm not coming empty handed.

For starters, I'm featuring Christmas in July projects all month long across my social media. I'm doing themed videos 6 days a week. aka very early morning hours/ long days.

Here's the tag I created for Week 4 of Tag Tuesday, yesterday:

You can see the video HERE where I linked the inspiration from Pinterst in the description box.

Monday's are all about Christmas cards. Keep in mind, card fronts make great journaling cards, tuck spots and pockets in junk journals.  The blog post is HERE, which includes the video link.

Okay... now, let's show off the beautiful ATCs I've received. (Susan, yours is going in the mail tomorrow now that I have an address.) This was our 14th year of blog hopping and making friends (though I've not been with the group the whole time)

Like card fronts, ATCs can serve dual purpose. Here, Susan applied a ATC clear pocket to the front of the card then added the ATC. Great dual journaling spot!


Our fearless leader, Miss Julia, created this one. She even made a pin for us! Thank you, dear friend.

Miss Julia

Jan made this lovely card & pocket. No project from Jan would be complete without fabric included!


Nicely folded multi-pocket configuration. Angela also included a couple of patterned paper for me to use. I think I'll be learning this pocket fold, reminiscent of the wallet pocket.


This adorable ATC came from Tracy. She is an amazing artist and has her own line of stamps. I'll be featuring her all month long in August on my  YouTube channel and on August 31st, we'll take a tour of where she creates these fun pieces!  I am waiting anxiously for my stamps to arrive.


This last one has me stumped. I can't read the signature on the back and there was no return address. If you see this, please let me know who you are. I love the art work! 


Finally, this is the ATC I created and shared. I still have a couple left. If you would like one, just email me. My email address is in the description box of all my videos or ask Miss Julia for it.


That's it for my desk (and story) this week. Who's Miss Julia and why am I here?  When you are done visiting me in the Ozarks, please hop on over to Stamping Ground for all the details. Miss Julia has a long list of other studios you can peek into. No standing on an up-turned milk pail to look in the window. We open the doors wide and welcome you.  Please leave your number and you'll be among the first on my list.

 Creative Blessings!

~ Kelly


  1. Great Christmas tag and a lovely collection of received ATC’s. Susan’s idea is very clever. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

  2. Loving the ATCs Kelly. Sorry I don't recognise the unknown one. I am not sure what to think of Christmas in June/July every year. I know all the craft companies have shows then but I must admit that making winter samples in the hottest weeks of the year recently didn't help my mojo. Well done for all the videos/projects you are doing. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #5

  3. Like Sarah I can't make Christmas in July - good job I can ignore it for a few months unlike design teams and craft companies! Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  4. Hi Kelly, just got back from mum's, nearly finished. Trying to get round everyone before bed as we're back at the house tomorrow. Well done you with the ATCs. Your Unknown one is from 'My name is Cindy'. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x9x

  5. Lovely to see all your ATCs, can't believe they took so long to arrive. Hugs BJ#10

  6. Oh Kelly, I love your ATCs, but am not really thinking about Christmas this early, That tag is lovely, though. I love the vintage Santa. Happy WOYWW from # 2.

  7. Hi Kelly!! As Angela so rightly says the mystery ATC is from me, glad you like it!! Like Julia I am pants at saying thank you for yours which arrived safely. It cam after I posted most of the UK ones and I meant to message you privately..... hey ho that didn't happen, my apologies! Liking that first Christmas project but I don't do Christmas in the summer as I have so much Christmas stuff I have to swap stuff out to so I can get to it. Christmas is mid-October thru to April for me - I feel more inspired after Christmas than just before!! Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #15

  8. Mystery ATC is from Cindy, made me smile, I wonder if we ought to send them anonymously next year and see if we can recognise each others style! Lovely collection you've got, we're all so different in our making, huh. Your Christmas in July is wonderful, but scarey, I'm looking at it all with that 'this doesn't affect me' mind set, but it isn't really working, I can feel inspiration mixing with panic...
