Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Hi everyone!

Coming of the great writing conference this past weekend, I barely got the videos done--let alone posting here. 

Let's start with yesterday.

I made Hidden Paperclips from the cookie box packaging I've been using for the #allthingsaltered journal. 

I originally made 3 in the VIDEO but realized I was out of frame most of the time so the third one from the left was the make for the final video.

Aside from the cookie box for the base, I used the same paper pad I've been using, lace & ribbon from my stash and the floral stickers from $Tree.

For today's Tag Tuesday, I made what I'm calling a French Door tag with pocket. I got the idea from a video a couple of weeks ago but can't find who the creator was. She offered a template for the tag where I just did the math, as you'll see in today's video (it's still uploading).



After I recorded, I did wind up putting a bit of velcro behind the jelly fish to help keep the doors closed. 

I used Enchanted Ocean from Sara Davies at Crafter's Companion. This is also for the nautical challenge in the Spectrum Art & Friends FB group. As soon as the video for this project is done, I'll link it HERE.

That's it for me. I'll be back tomorrow with WOYWW and possibly a Friday project.

Creative Blessings!
~ Kelly


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